Dr. Bridget Nkumbe is a high performing, analytical, and a hands-on leader, whose passion for growth, productivity, and excellent outcomes is palpable. Dr. Bridget as she is commonly called is a second-generation African American who migrated to the United States from Cameroon, West Africa. She is a nurse by profession and she holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (RN), a Master Degree in Global Health, and a Doctorate Degree in Nursing with a concentration in executive leadership. Dr. Bridget has spent most of her nursing career in leadership roles. As a nurse leader, she is passionate about quality improvement and supporting nurses who provide direct patient care. Throughout her career, she’s had many leadership roles including, Nursing supervision, clinical administrator, Unit Manager, and Director of nursing in various clinical settings.
In the market place, Dr. Bridget is the startup owner and CEO of two healthcare organizations, All in All Home Care and All in All Residential Services, located in Northern Virginia. Dr. Bridget takes pride in providing excellent services to her clients and in supporting her employees to give their very best in all they do. Furthermore, Dr. Bridget is the founder and President of She Believed, a Nonprofit organization dedicated to the empowerment of women and girls. She Believed is a registered 501c organization in Virginia. Some of the programs and services provided by She Believed include mentorship program to young girls, annual girls summer camp, and empowerment workshops to women and girls. She is a wellknown community partner in her role with She Believed. In March 2024, she received a recognition from the Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly commending her for contributions to community development as an African Woman in the Diaspora. Finally, she is a committed volunteer in her local church where she serves in various roles and in different capacities.
She likes mentoring, teaching, and supporting individuals to achieve higher heights in their personal and professional development. She believes in aligning one’s God given gifts and talents to one’s profession or career of choice. She loves success stories, and it is her wish that everyone becomes successful in their own right. Nurturing a high-drive personal nature, she enjoys her equally important ole as mother of two amazing young children.