Jessica Moyer

“The biggest lesson I can share is be willing to adapt and never get too comfortable. Growth is necessary now more than ever! Also, it is ok to be humble and ask for help.”

1. Who is Jessica Moyer?

Hi! I am Jessica Moyer. I am the Owner of The Ice House: Wellness +Community in Wyoming Delaware. I am a dedicated mom to 3 beautiful children and wife to Jason of 22 + years. My mission is to support as many women live into their purpose through a healthy lifestyle! I am extremely active in the community supporting many local organizations and I serve as President of Cure Spinal Muscular Atrophy Delaware/South Jersey in memory of my son Steven who passed away from this genetic disease. In addition, I am a John Maxwell Coach/Trainer and most recently became a Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach.

2. The uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic weighs the heaviest on most working mothers. How has the pandemic affected you mentally?

This pandemic literally swept me off my feet as I couldn’t imagine this would ever occur in our great nation. Fortunately, I am surrounded by a loving, supportive family and the knowledge I have gained from my mentors and self development have prepared me for these times. The hardest aspect of this is not being able to control what happens and how others are more affected than my family. Even though my husband has also been laid off, I know we have the resources to survive. I do worry for the younger generation because most have turned solely to technology for socialization and I feel this may be detrimental.

3. How are you supporting your local community during the COVID-19 crisis?

I am supporting our local community by offering free wellness/fitness classes and tips on taking the best care of their health during this time. In addition, we have donated to local places that are providing meals to children. I have also started a book collection at The Ice House so kids can pick out books to read. Although we may not be able to be as generous with our “treasures” we are being generous with our time and talent.

4. How can your local community support you and your business during this pandemic?

I have been overwhelmed by the women in The Ice House: Wellness + Community. Most have reached out offering help. I have an online wellness group and I offer 2 live classes per day plus motivational and nutrition tips. Most have joined this group through a nominal fee to help pay my monthly rent.

5. What are some challenges you have faced with your business or career due to the lockdown, and some adjustments you have had to make?

What lessons can you share with other working moms presented with these challenges?
Ironically, I had just started an online challenge group in March so I had a small head start in becoming virtual. I was shocked when my husband was laid off as he is the primary source of income. This forced me to become more creative in virtual classes as well as virtual events.
The biggest lesson I can share is be willing to adapt and never get too comfortable. Growth is necessary now more than ever! Also, it is ok to be humble and ask for help.

6.What/how are you spending the most of your time/resources during the pandemic?

I have looked at this time as a blessing in disguise as I am spending more time with my children and teaching them how to prepare for the future. I am working on my book and digging in too many different free resources and trainings. I feel busier now than 3 weeks ago!

7.What/who is one organization or individual that has been very supportive or inspirational in your journey, or simply during this pandemic?

I have been amazed by how so many local people have come together to support and uplift one another! I work closely with Shakti Yoga/Ruby and Momentum Fitness/Ali to lean into each other and pool resources. Organizations like WILDE and Kent County Chamber of Commerce have also been a source of inspiration.

8. What are some valuable lessons you have learned that you can share with other women as we navigate the pandemic, or to be better prepared personally and professionally in times of a national issue affecting our health and economy?

Wow! This is a loaded question! I have been forced to learn a lot about technology during this time and honestly, this has been the most challenging. I am also a Dave Ramsey fan. His advice on protecting your four walls first and having an emergency fund is spot on!

9. What keeps you inspired and motivated?

I am inspired and motivated because we are ALL in this together! I believe we need to be “anti-fragile” during this time and will become stronger as a result. As a businesswoman in this community, others look to us for leadership and inspiration.

10. How can other women and the general public connect with you and/or your business?

You can find me on FB at The Ice House: Wellness + Community; IG #302icehouse
my personal cell is 302-233-3795