“I trust God and my mother. Praying daily, talking to mama daily and my friends/family, has been so instrumental in keeping me sane. When this is allover I will like to do something I have always wanted to do, which is travelling and meeting new people”

1.Who is Winifred Ade-Taku?
Hello, my name is Winifred Ade-Taku, I am married with 2 kids, a beautiful vibrant 6-year-old daughter and semi calm 5-year-old son. They are both forces to be reckoned with. I work full time as a House Calls Nurse Practitioner for Optum/UnitedHealthcare Group (UHG). I am passionate about women’s health and fertility. I own a small business call ‘Lem Fertility’ which empowers women and couples to take charge of their fertility. The two most important products in my brand are the “Lem Fertility Ovulation and Pregnancy Test kit” and “Lem Fertility Box”. I also offer Fertility Coaching, my focus are on natural fertility awareness methods and Using Ovulation Predictor Kit to get pregnant sooner.
2.The uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic weighs the heaviest on most working mothers. How has the pandemic affected you mentally?
Ohhh my goodness! The lack of sufficient information about the virus has left me anxious and worried about my family’s future. I go to bed and wake up every day praying for a cure or a vaccine. Staying at home has not been easy, but I started a garden that has helped myself and the kids.
3. How are you supporting your local community during the COVID-19 crisis?
I have read and fully understood the CDC and WHO guidelines, I am staying home as ordered, and my job has redeployed me to work from home and my duties has been to follow-up with healthcare workers around the nation who have been exposed or diagnosed with Covid-19. It is fulfilling knowing that I could provide resources, or be a source of hope to someone during this period.
4. How can your local community support you and your business during this pandemic?
I have a small business, shipping fertility products to women trying to conceive. I rely on U.S postal service (USPS) for my clients to receive the products they need for their fertility journey. I will simply like for the post office to stay open amidst the fuss of “USPS bailout”. I actually have many couples contact me during this period because moments like this is when they are most hopeful and they can concentrate on just trying to become pregnant.
5.What/how are you spending the most of your time/resources during the pandemic?
I am working from home and gardening, and loving every minute. This is my first time keeping a garden and it has been so soothing to me and the kids. I have been learning new strengths dealing with my children and their nuisances. Home schooling is not easy, but my husband and i are able to figure it out while working directly with the kid’s teachers.
6. We must ask: how are those eyebrows, nails and hair styles doing?
Have you found ways to be your own stylists during the lockdown, and what tips and products have you tried that you can share with other women?
It has been rough but I am figuring it. I am letting my nails grow, taking my vitamins regularly now, so they can be stronger, lol. No more acrylics for me. I love my eyebrows; they are getting fuller and thicker. For the hair, I truly don’t know lmao! Youtube has helped me with DIY.
7.What/who is one organization or individual that has been very supportive or inspirational in your journey, or simply during this pandemic?
I trust God and my mother. Praying daily, talking to mama daily and my friends/family has been so instrumental in keeping me sane.
8. What are some valuable lessons you have learned that you can share with other women as we navigate the pandemic, or to be better prepared personally and professionally in times of a national issue affecting our health and economy?
Not to take anything for granted. Life is short. When this is all over I will like to do somethings I have always wanted to do, which is traveling and meeting new people. Volunteering to assist the needy in times like this is also fulfilling.
9. What keeps you inspired and motivated?
My children and my faith keep me going. I do believe this pandemic will come to an end someday, and we will have a new normal, new set of rules and am very hopeful.
10. How can other women and the general public connect with you and/or your business?
If you are thinking about trying for your first baby or another child, do not hesitate to contact me at www.mylembox.com
Instagram : @mylembox
Facebook Group: @Lemfertilitysuportgroup
Twitter: @Fertility_Hub