1. Who is LB?
I’m The Wife Coach®, creator and instructor of the only premium online masterclass that’s changing married women into happy, healthy and successful wives. By working with hundreds of women over the years, I’ve learned one thing: All married women aren’t wives. And through my masterclass (and one-on-one coaching) I’m teaching women how to own their ish (issues) and show up in their marriages as the woman they desire to be. I’m all about living the “happy wife life” and love showing my wives (and wives-to-be) how your happiness has nothing to do with your spouse, but has everything to do with you. When I’m happy and fulfilled, I can share that happiness with the people I love the most. I shower this happiness on my hubby of 10 years and on our two little girls, one tweenager (Demi), and a toddler, our souvenir from Jamaica (Lexi).
2. The uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic weighs the heaviest on most working mothers. How has the pandemic affected you mentally?
“I know the pandemic wasn’t on your vision board, but I know it has given you new vision,” is what I tweeted within the first two weeks of our mandatory shelter-in order from our governor. By this time, schools went from a few digital learning days to closing for the entire year, nonessential businesses were asked to close, and millions of Americans were losing their jobs and/or businesses were greatly affected. It took me a while to process how our normal family life was coming to halt in a matter of days. I work from home, so there was no real adjustment for my day-to-day work life but, of course, with my two darling daughters now being home with me permanently, that “mommy” break that I would normally have when the girls were away at school, would now look completely different, if experienced at all. Mentally, this pandemic has given me a new perspective on what’s important in my life and how to really focus on the things that are within my control. This has helped me to not place so much energy into the unknown or the things that are out of my control and to operate from a place of gratitude and allowance.
3. How are you supporting your local community during the COVID-19 crisis?
My support for my local community has come in the form of practicing social distancing, remaining home as much as possible, and if I do leave for essential outings only, I wear a mask and gloves. I am committed to staying well-informed with the developments of the novel virus by reading and tuning into trusted media outlets, and keeping my family in the loop.
4. How can your local community support you and your business during this pandemic?
Knowing that many working wives/moms were hit with this unexpected economic crisis, I postponed my second cohort of my masterclass. One of the requirements is a serious commitment level to the process and when we all were forced to pivot almost overnight, many of my wives’ emotional or financial commitments had changed. Right now, I’m encouraging all couples to create a plan while they are home together on how to come out of this pandemic with a stronger, more loving and successful marriage. And the tool that will help them to do it is the Marriage Success Planner. (www.lakiabrandenburg.com/marriageplanner)
5. What are some challenges you have faced with your business or career due to the lockdown, and some adjustments you have had to make? What lessons can you share with other working moms presented with these challenges?
My masterclass is quarterly and due to the lockdown I had to make an executive decision to cancel this cohort. This was a challenging decision because of how often the class is offered and a few of the participants weren’t necessarily affected by the pandemic and were onboard to start on my start date. This cancelation created a pivot in my business model where I will offer the class again in June, but in the meantime, I offered my one-on-one coaching and introduced my following to my new coaching on-demand service where they can ask any relationship/marriage questions and get live/virtual answers from me. COVID-19 has taught me that one day business can be booming and then doomed the next. We have to stay in position to pivot and make the best of what we can control in any situation. It’s perfectly okay to step back, hit pause, and reassess to know what your next step should be, especially when you can no longer see the full staircase.
6. We must ask: how are those eyebrows, nails and hair styles doing? Have you found ways to be your own stylists during the lockdown, and what tips and products have you tried that you can share with other women?
Ouch! Let me just say, thank God for braids and that my husband is a master barber and can take care of my eyebrows. Now those other “self-care” areas have been a struggle! As much as I consider sitting in a plush massage chair to get my pedicure and manicure as an essential service, it’s not, and I had to get creative on how to maintain my nails until outside opens up again. For my pedicures, I’m using Repairing CICA Foot Mask by Aveeno to soften and add moisture to my dry feet and for my manicures, I’m simply trimming my nails (no polish) and using cuticle cream to keep them soft. I finally dug into my swag bags from the dozens of conferences and events that I’ve attended over the last year or two and started using their sample products (face masks, creams, etc.) to see how well they worked.
7. What/who is one organization or individual that has been very supportive or inspirational in your journey, or simply during this pandemic?
Fabwives, a community of wives committed to love and marriage is my definition of support and inspiration. Fabwives, created by Rhea Plummer, has been a tremendous advocate of The Wife Coach,
sharing my products and services within the community, booking me as their first ever keynote speaker for their annual Glitz and Glam Brunch and inviting me to host their Sunday Chat.
8. What are some valuable lessons you have learnt that you can share with other women as we navigate the pandemic, or to be better prepared personally and professionally in times of a national issue affecting our health and economy?
It’s hard to prepare for the unexpected. The most valuable lesson that this time has taught me is to make sure I take care of me, first. Yes, I’m a wife, mom and business owner, but if I’m falling apart and not filling up my own cup, I will feel depleted, unfulfilled, exhausted and unhappy as I’m serving everything and everyone who is connected to me. Mental, physical, and spiritual wellness should’ve been in tact BEFORE this pandemic hit our nation/economy and hopefully it has placed a spotlight on the areas that many women need to focus on most, like self-care and self-awareness.
9. What keeps you inspired and motivated?
Knowing that this too shall pass. This isn’t the first time that life has thrown a curve ball our way, but whenever “life” presents itself, we’re presented with the opportunity to grow, learn more and become better versions of ourselves as a result. I’m learning to embrace this temporary “new normal” by keeping my daily routine as close to normal as possible. I run daily to stay fit and keep my mind clear, I catch a few of my favorite reality TV shows and spend a few hours soaking up the sun in the backyard. I also manage to get some business taken care of in between spending quality time with my family.
10. How can other women and the general public connect with you and/or your business?
I invite you to visit my site at www.lakiabrandenburg.com and come hangout with me on Instagram @TheWifeCoach. Be sure to hit “follow” if you like what you see!